FREE REPORT: Using Poetry For Wholehearted Living (including 50 essential poems that can change your life)

Discover the Magic of Poetry

An encounter with the right poem at the right time can carry you across a new threshold in your life. When you fully embody the wisdom of a poem it can change you deeply. Grab your free guide today, and discover the transformative magic of poetry.


Discover The Power Of Poetry

This guide has my top strategies for working with a poem to open your heart, shift your perceptions, inspire action, restore faith or express your deepest knowing.

Find The Perfect Poem

In this guide, I share the 50 most powerful poems I know to help you with a range of different life challenges. Find the companion poem you need right now.

Tried and Tested Poetry Resources

After reading hundreds of poetry books, I know what works. This guide gives you the top 10 poetry anthologies and best websites for finding poems you love.


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