Is sharing your message a chore or a delight?

When you have to show up, speak up or share your message with others ...

... does it light you up?

... or is it a 'grit-your-teeth' job that has to be done?

Sometimes you'd rather do anything else than put yourself out there.

Getting creative with the work you love. Polishing and tweaking behind the scenes. Catching up on admin.

I get it.

I remember the first video I ever made. Tongue-tied and frozen. Trying not to cry.

My inner critic had a field day. Telling me how useless I was,

... how others would judge me,

... how I could never create the difference that was in my heart to make.

That kind of fear and self-consciousness is so painful. We'd do almost anything to protect ourselves from it.

Hence the procrastination, distraction, inertia, self-sabotage, indecision, blaming our circumstances, perfectionism, playing small, etc.

Yes, we've all been there. :-)

But then I experienced a breakthrough.

I had a mentor supporting me to create this video. She knew I loved speaking poetry.

'Speak a poem' she suggested.

I spoke the first one that came to mind.

Two things happened ...

First, I relaxed and opened up. Words flowed naturally. I lit up.

Second, I touched her heart so deeply it brought tears to her eyes.

I created a connection - with myself and with another.

Visibility - true visibility - is all about connection.

What is it that lights you up? Brings you alive? Opens you in ways that sharing yourself becomes natural and joyful.

What if more and more people - visionaries, changemakers, practitioners - gave themselves (and the world) the gift of shining their true radiance,

allowing their unique flavour of joyful sharing to carry their message into the world,

rather than hiding or hustling or getting burned out from trying to do 101 promotion strategies that you'd sooner delegate to someone else!

I believe this is possible.

If you'd like some support with this, get in touch today.

To you shining your unique light,



P.S. There are spaces available on my group course - Your Voice Matters: Visionaries Becoming Visible Is one of them yours?

Join the Magnetic Presence Retreat, 21-23 April 2023.

  • Break through visibility blocks that keep you playing small.
  • Access your ability to embody your essence and speak from your soul.
  • Develop the kind of presence that opens deep magnetic connection.
Find out more and register now!