Embodied Expression with Laila Wodtke Nissen


When you step into new levels of visibility, do you breathe deeply into your own body, fully present and alive?

Or do you find yourself tensing up, tongue-tied, stilted, barely breathing?

Fear can squeeze your energy up into your head, creating a barrier between you and your natural flow, your fullest expression.

I explore this topic, and what you can do about, in this conversation with conscious movement practitioner Laila Wodtke Nissen.

Laila's movement practice transformed her from powerlessness and invisibility to becoming magnetic and radiant. 

Watch this activating deep-dive where we explored how embodiment through conscious movement helps you to:

  • Let go of holding back and express your true power - in your body, your life and your business.
  • Listen, trust and allow your deeper wisdom to guide you. 
  • Become naturally magnetic and radiant through creating deep connection with yourself. 

We chat all things visibility, how Laila got started in this field, how embodiment has helped her as a business owner, the importance of calming the nervous system, authentic expression and so much more. It’s not to be missed!

Laila has spent many decades exploring how to express herself freely with authentic power, including becoming certified as a 5 Rhythms® teacher by Gabrielle Roth. She offers retreats, workshops and coaching to guide people to reconnect to their body's innate wisdom and their soul's purpose.

If you'd love to anchor who you are deeper in your embodied expression, check out Laila's Embodied Being retreat, 3-6 July 2022 in Denmark.

This is a space where you can resource yourself with dancing, resting, reflecting, in stillness, in movement, in nature, in good company and with nourishing food.

Register by 2 June to get an early bird discount! 

Rionach xo


Join the Magnetic Presence Retreat, 21-23 April 2023.

  • Break through visibility blocks that keep you playing small.
  • Access your ability to embody your essence and speak from your soul.
  • Develop the kind of presence that opens deep magnetic connection.
Find out more and register now!